What Are the Benefits of Dental Bridges?

by | Jul 20, 2023 | Blog Posts

What Are the Benefits of Dental Bridges?

Are you looking into dental bridges in Webster as a tooth replacement option? This treatment can be highly effective and doesn’t require nearly as complicated a procedure as other options. However, there are still some things you should consider before you commit to receiving a dental bridge.

To help you get a better idea of what a dental bridge is, the different types of bridges available, and the pros and cons of this tooth replacement procedure, take a look at this dental bridge guide.

What Is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a tooth replacement procedure that uses the natural teeth on either side of the tooth gap to support a natural-looking prosthetic tooth. The bridge is a device consisting of one or more prosthetic teeth with a dental crown on either end. The bridge is designed to look like a row of natural teeth.

The crowns are fixed onto the teeth on either side of the gap, the prosthetics fill the gap, and your smile is restored with a fast, easy, minimally invasive procedure.

The Types of Dental Bridges

There are four different types of dental bridges,1 each with its own unique advantages and disadvantages.

Traditional Bridge

The traditional bridge is the most common. The type of bridge described above uses crowns on adjacent natural teeth to gain support for a false tooth or multiple teeth between them. These bridges provide a considerable amount of strength, but they do require permanent alteration of your natural teeth.

Maryland Bonded Bridge

The Maryland bonded bridge foregoes the dental crowns in favor of a porcelain or metal frame that is anchored to the back of the adjacent teeth. This is a more affordable, lower commitment option, but it does tend to be weaker than other options.

Cantilever Bridge

Instead of gaining support from the two teeth adjacent to the gap, cantilever bridges gain their support from a single tooth. This can be useful in certain scenarios, requiring less alteration of your natural teeth, but it is not often the best option.

Implant-Supported Bridge

If you don’t have the natural teeth to support your dental bridge, you can receive dental implants that can then be used to support a bridge. This is called an implant-supported bridge, and it can be a great way to replace multiple missing teeth at once.

The Advantages of Choosing a Dental Bridge

Here’s why you might want to consider a dental bridge to replace your missing tooth.

They’re Affordable

Dental bridges are among the most affordable options for replacing missing teeth. If you’re trying to get your treatment on a tight budget, they can easily be the best option for this reason alone.

They’re Non-Surgical

You may be reluctant to undergo surgical procedures if you suffer from dental anxiety. The dental bridge procedure is minimally invasive, non-surgical, and you’ll hardly feel uncomfortable.

They Prevent Tooth Shifting

That gap in your mouth can cause your teeth to shift around, leading to even more issues with your oral health. Your dental bridge will stop that from happening.

Improve Your Quality of Life

Missing teeth can be a source of severe discomfort and self-consciousness. Replace them with a dental bridge, and you’ll feel more comfortable and confident in yourself.

Dental Bridges in Webster from Empire Dental Care

If you’re looking for dental bridges in Webster, the team at Empire Dental Care may be able to help. Contact us to learn more at 585-671-1650.



[1] https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/10921-dental-bridges

Dr. Cohen has been practicing dentistry in private and public settings for over 10 years, completing her DMD degree in 2010 at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Committed to providing dental care of the highest level, Dr. Cohen relocated to Rochester in 2016 to pursue advanced dental trainings at the Dental Urgent Care Fellowship at The University of Rochester, Eastman Institute for Oral Health, graduating in 2017, and the AEGD Residency program in 2019. She recently completed an additional advanced General Practice Residency program at St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany NY. This summer she moved back to Rochester with her husband Kevin, a native Rochesterian, to be closer to family. Throughout her career and personal life, Dr. Cohen has shown her genuine compassion and care to people and patients from all walks of life. She volunteered in underserved areas, practiced in clinics for patients with complex special needs, and treated medically compromised patients among others. She also taught and mentored other dentists and students helping them achieve their professional and personal goals. Most of all, Dr. Cohen’s warm personality and love of people create a welcoming, comfortable feeling for both patients and staff.