Dental Concerns for People in Their 30s and 40s

by | Feb 23, 2023 | Blog Posts

Dental Concerns for People in Their 30s and 40s

Taking great care of your oral health at any age is important, but it is especially crucial as you transition into your 30s and 40s. As time passes, teeth and gums begin to become more susceptible to all kinds of issues, making proper dental care even more essential. Understanding common dental concerns for people of these age ranges and receiving regular care from a family dentist in Webster — like Empire Dental Care — can help you continue to protect your oral and overall health.

Look Out for Gum Disease

Anyone can develop gum disease, otherwise known as periodontal disease or periodontitis. But it becomes exponentially more prevalent in those over age 30 and continues on an upward trend from there. The CDC estimates that around 46% of all adults over 30 have some form of this bacterial infection.1 That is a notable number that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Why It’s Important

Gum disease may not seem too concerning at first, but if left unchecked, it can cause serious oral health issues and affect your overall health.

As this infection advances, it can lead to problems such as:

  • Gum recession
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Dental abscesses
  • Loose teeth
  • Tooth loss

The most advanced stage of gum disease has even been connected to heart disease, cancer, stroke, and other health conditions.

Gum Disease Prevention

The good news about gum disease is that it’s easy to prevent. For most people, gum disease is easily preventable with twice daily brushing and flossing and visiting a dentist for routine teeth cleaning at least once every six months. You can also look into gingivitis-fighting mouthwashes to strengthen your approach.

Prevent Tooth Decay

Children tend to be the ones who are most vulnerable to taking in too much cavity-causing sugar, but you can start developing tooth decay for reasons beyond poor dietary discipline once you hit your 30s.

As we age, our tooth enamel naturally weakens, and we become more susceptible to cavities and tooth infections. Controlling our sugar intake and staying committed to great dental care can go a long way toward fighting these issues.

Sometimes, even proper oral hygiene is not enough to prevent tooth decay. Fortunately, decay can be treated fairly easily if you address it promptly.

Why It’s Important

You’ve likely heard how important it is to avoid tooth decay from an early age, but it becomes even more significant as you get older. You don’t want to go through root canal treatments or other restoration procedures that you don’t have to, so it’s best to stay on top of preventing tooth decay.

Tooth Decay Prevention

A healthy oral hygiene routine can do much of the work, but you’ll also want to watch your sugar intake and make sure to rinse out your mouth after eating anything sweet. As always, regular dental visits are critical.

Get Screened for Oral Cancer

You may think that oral cancer is only a concern for those who smoke or chew tobacco. While those habits increase the risk significantly, that doesn’t mean non-smokers aren’t at risk. As you enter your 30s, you should be aware of this serious disease and get yourself regularly checked for it.

Why It’s Important

Oral cancer is mostly treatable, but the success of that treatment is highly dependent on how early the disease is caught. Therefore, regular screenings with your dentist are absolutely crucial.

Oral Cancer Prevention

The best way to prevent oral cancer is to avoid smoking and chewing tobacco, and reduce your alcohol intake. You should also visit your dentist at least once every six months.

Note Any Symptoms of TMJ

Another one of the most common dental concerns for adults over 30 is difficulty with the temporomandibular joints, sometimes referred to as TMJ. TMJ occurs when the joints in the jaw either erode, are displaced, or become damaged by issues like arthritis or head trauma. Symptoms often include jaw pain, difficulty chewing, aches around the face and ears, jaw tightness, and others.

TMJ Treatment

If your dentist determines that you have TMJ, they may offer one or more prescription medications, such as pain relievers and muscle relaxants, and they may also suggest counseling or physical therapy. Sometimes a mouth guard will be prescribed when the TMJ results from teeth grinding, or bruxism.

Need a Family Dentist in Webster?

As you get older, staying committed to caring for your oral health is essential, and ensuring you shift your dental priorities accordingly can help you do just that.

A family dentist in Webster is key in managing your oral health at any age. At Empire Dental Care, we provide a wide range of services with flexible scheduling and a gentle touch. To schedule an appointment, reach out to Empire Dental Care today. Call us at 585-671-1650.





Dr. Cohen has been practicing dentistry in private and public settings for over 10 years, completing her DMD degree in 2010 at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Committed to providing dental care of the highest level, Dr. Cohen relocated to Rochester in 2016 to pursue advanced dental trainings at the Dental Urgent Care Fellowship at The University of Rochester, Eastman Institute for Oral Health, graduating in 2017, and the AEGD Residency program in 2019. She recently completed an additional advanced General Practice Residency program at St. Peter’s Hospital in Albany NY. This summer she moved back to Rochester with her husband Kevin, a native Rochesterian, to be closer to family. Throughout her career and personal life, Dr. Cohen has shown her genuine compassion and care to people and patients from all walks of life. She volunteered in underserved areas, practiced in clinics for patients with complex special needs, and treated medically compromised patients among others. She also taught and mentored other dentists and students helping them achieve their professional and personal goals. Most of all, Dr. Cohen’s warm personality and love of people create a welcoming, comfortable feeling for both patients and staff.